Kasey's Book Catalog

You probably know by now that we’re pretty obsessed with growth of all kinds. That’s why we’re big believers in making time to read more. It’s how we learn, how we progress, and how we grow in all areas of our lives.

And if you’ve followed us for any length of time, you know our CEO, Kasey Jones, reads a ton of books. She shares a lot of book reviews on our site, talks about her lessons learned on social, and really advocates for us all to read more.

That’s why she’s taken the time to catalog all the books she reads - and for most of them, includes ratings and reviews, as well as some information about the authors.

Take a look below and feel free to scroll around. Kasey includes the book title, the author(s), links to buy the book, topics you can sort by, and then ratings and reviews - including some links to any video recording she’s done of reviews.

Check out her book catalog here, click the links to buy or download any that seem interesting, and then make sure to tell us what you think!

Calling all bookworms! Whether you're looking to catalog your extensive personal library or just making a list of books you want to read, this template can help you. Here's some tips on how to use this template: * The Author field is a [linked record field](https://support.airtable.com/hc/en-us/articles/206452848-Linking-to-Another-Record).

ResourcesKasey JonesMemoirs