Are You Asking Yourself the Right Questions to Differentiate Your Business?

I hope that by now I’ve shown you how building your thought leadership has the ability to positively impact your community and your business, but let’s unpack this a little bit more so you can create a crystallized vision for the way this could change your life.

Being a thought leader means, well, being a leader. It means impacting people in a way that makes them want to follow you.

And not through force, coercion, or, hell, even charisma. Instead, it should be for your thoughts, your ideas, your perspective. All you’ve experienced throughout your life and career. Your hard-won insights uncovered, and lessons learned.

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4 Qualities Startup Leaders Must Build to Have Influence in Their Industry

When you struggle with personal branding the way I’ve described in my previous blog post, you probably can’t escape the feeling that the whole enterprise is a frivolous or superficial one. Something that feeds your ego and little else.

Because of this, I advocate that instead of focusing on building your personal brand, you aim for growing your thought leadership.

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Kasey Jones
The #1 Mistake Founders Make With Personal Branding

As a founder, you have a choice in everything you do to build your business. Do you want to use every resource at your disposal to attract ideal customers, raise investments, and build awareness for this company you’re building? Or do you want to stick to doing what feels comfortable and hope that it all works out anyway?

If you chose the first answer, then you must decide to intentionally build your personal brand as a resource that can help you earn the trust of your target customers, capture the attention of potential investors, and help ensure that you are the founder everyone wants to talk to.

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Are you making this mistake as an entrepreneur? It's more common than you might think...

The primary thing that serves as a blocker to your success as an entrepreneur isn’t a lack of experience, strategy, or connections.

Yes, those are important considerations and the presence of each can make a massive difference in your growth, but they (or their lack) are rarely the thing getting in your way.

Still, I’d be willing to bet that the biggest obstacle to your success as an entrepreneur is probably some unresolved issue from your past. Not the issue itself, but the behavior or worldview that you learned in response.

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Kasey Jones
Your Unprocessed Trauma Is Causing Your Business To Suffer

Your personal trauma is going to impact you and your business in a unique way, but as I’ve delved into this topic, I am spotting some patterns that I’ll describe below.

Now I want to be clear...I am not a therapist, a psychologist, or a psychiatrist. I am not medically trained to diagnose or treat these issues. I am simply sharing what I’ve learned from my experience and what I am seeing in the entrepreneurs whom I speak to and work with.

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Kasey Jones
How Your Misconception About Personal Branding Is Costing You - and How To Fix It.

The term “personal branding” bears the weight of so many people’s perceptions, judgments, and misconceptions, particularly about Kim Kardashian, Instagram Influencers, and the oh so many people who seem to be famous for nothing. Far too often, our minds go to the stories of the worst cases of personal branding. People who crafted “brands” seemingly out of nowhere, all for the purpose of personal material gain. The term often makes us roll our eyes or feel our skin crawl.

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